3 keys to a thriving business that supports the planet

Are you running, or thinking of starting a business that supports the planet and its inhabitants?
Or is your mission and your work all about supporting our planet?

Are you struggling to make that business thrive?

There’s been a lot in the press lately about the state of our planet.

School kids around the globe have marched against climate change.

There have been protests all around London this last week.

Greta Thunberg is speaking to key leaders about the state of our planet.

David Attenborough brought the issues and consequences of doing nothing to light on the BBC.

And with World Earth Day this week …. our planet needs our help more than ever.

The science is clear. Urgent action is needed.

We need to act to protect our natural world for future generations.

We’re running out of time but there is still hope, and I’m an eternal optimist.

But we need to act now.

I have always been passionate about social and planetary issues.

I’ve worked in amazing places around the world supporting conservation efforts, and I know firsthand that it’s not always easy to get through to the right people and make the biggest impact.

And I’ve also long held a belief that in order to give back and do ‘good’ I must go without.
To do good, I must earn less, I must struggle, I must sacrifice wealth abundance.

Does that sound familiar?

But now I know this simply is not true.

Look at how much money and support was manifested in just a few days when we saw the harrowing images of a burning Notre Dame. 1 Bullion Euros. One Billion!

The money exists. It now needs to also flow in the direction of saving our planet. And that is coming.

And that means the money can flow to you and your business. You too can have wealth abundance.

When we see money as an energy source, we see it simply flows from one place to another.

There is plenty. We live in an abundant world, and that abundance can flow to you too.

And the more money we attract, the more we can do with it. The more innovation there is. The more ideas come to be light that will repair, balance and support our planet and all those on it.

So, I am running a Masterclass where I will share the wonders of the Akashic records to have a thriving business that supports our planet. 

The Masterclass is on Friday 3rd May at 4pm-5pm BST (8am-9am PST) and will reveal:

  • How the Akashic records hold the key to your soul purpose and who you are at soul level
  • How the energy of past life experiences are still holding you back from creating powerful change in the world
  • How powerfully aligned action will create wealth abundance and a thriving business that you absolutely love

We’ll be doing a powerful soul wealth activation mediation so you really don’t want to miss it!

You can sign up for the masterclass here, and if you can’t join live then you’ll get the recording. But you need to register.

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