Corporate Services

A company's true success is often due to the cumulative efforts of the whole team.

Working environments can be stressful and overwhelming. Your business will suffer if your workforce is unable to adapt.

In 2017/18 stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 44% of all work-related ill health cases and 57% of all working days lost due to ill health.
That’s 15.4 million working days lost due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety in just ONE YEAR.

The main work factors cited by respondents as causing work-related stress, depression or anxiety were workload pressures, including tight deadlines and too much responsibility and a lack of managerial support. This does not help businesses expand and thrive within the marketplace.

Strengthen your workforce and increase your profitability

Do your employees feel unable to cope with their workloads? Are they resistant to implementing new processes? I offer bespoke packages tailored to the issues your staff are currently facing. My tools and techniques provide the following benefits:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety in the workplace
  • Improve communication between staff and teams
  • How to prioritise workloads better
  • Understand the importance of taking breaks
  • Increase awareness of what’s not working
  • Become more solutions focused
  • Increase confidence
  • Slow down and become more productive
  • Balance energy levels and increase motivation
  • Increase a sense of wellbeing in the workplace

Group Coaching

If you feel your entire workforce needs a lift, try a bespoke interactive mindfulness workshop.

Across either small sessions or larger workshops, participants can discuss their current challenges. We’ll explore issues through open dialogue, and learn some simple, immediate mindfulness techniques.

As ever, things get better with age! I would always recommend a series of sessions, run over a course of a couple of months. This allows individuals to feel comfortable and deepens their learning over time.

Individual Coaching

Is it one key member of the team going through a tough time? Or a whole team who need private sessions to grow? Individual corporate sessions can be a useful way to bolster your staff.

Over a period of time, the confidential sessions will offer staff a safe space to explore work issues. We can motivate staff to view things differently so they are confident to create change.

Participants will leave the sessions feeling motivated and valued. They will take positive actions in the workplace increasing success and productivity.

Revitalise your staff with Mind, Body &, Soul Energy

Why work with Natasha?

Coming from the corporate world, I had learned how to live by processes and deadlines. I felt I was on the hamster wheel – working harder, going faster, saying yes to more, trying to prove myself to others. I was exhausted, stressed and tired.

I am a product of my own journey, having learnt and utilised all the practices I now teach.

People want quick fixes, but life is an ongoing journey. Together we will embark on a journey of self-discovery. We’ll understand what you want and what is holding you back.

Book a consultation

Natasha at a glance

Educator – Certified and experienced trainer for one of the largest coach training schools in the UK

Cultivator – Supervisor and mentor for other coaches

Accredited – With the ICF (International coaching federation)

Innovator – Creating new ways to bring mind, body, soul together

Our TestimonialsHappy Customers

“I was very in my head, stressed, anxious and full of self-doubt. Eight months later I am more confident and happier.”

Mindfulness Coaching Programme

“ I had a lot of fear and my self-esteem had hit the floor but I now feel so much more confident and there is a calmness about me…The glass is no longer half empty!"

Energy Healing Programme

“I now understand what influences my feelings and behaviour I have a better sense of what’s important to me."

Mindfulness Coaching Programme