Healing Therapies

Reiki and Energy Healing

Surrounded by a storm of different energy, we bask in the positive. But what about the when life isn’t being kind? It can be a struggle to align and balance our energy, stopping us from taking different actions and reaching our goals.

Healing therapies allow us to forge a new path; if nothing changes, nothing will change.

Everything is energy.
Science has proven that we can’t destroy energy but that we can transform it.

Energy healing brings about a balance of mind body and soul. It re-establishes the mind-body connection and moves us away from head-based lives, where we spend so most of our time.

Reiki is an energy healing practice founded by Mikao Usui (1865-1926). Energy is all around us, and permeates all things. Our energy levels are often affected by the busy lives that we lead. We sometimes feel tired or exhausted and can’t quite put our fingers on the reasons why. Often we don’t have the motivation to make the changes that we desire.

Sometimes, life moves at an almost unsustainable pace.

How can reiki help you?

In the busy lives, we lead we don’t do enough to look after our own wellbeing, mental, physical and emotional. As we cut off from this mind/body connection (and replenish our energy in nourishing ways) our body starts to suffer and symptoms manifest from a lack of connection, nurture, and self-care:

  • Stress
  • Exhaustion
  • Relationship issues
  • Losing weight
  • Anxiety
  • Fertility issues
  • Loss of direction in life
  • Physical complaints & pain

Give yourself permission to stop,
relax and feel rejuvenated again

Reiki can offer you a deeper level of relaxation. It provides the synchronicity and balance required for true well being.

Nothing can be achieved without hard work and commitment; Reiki Healing Plans usually take between 3-6 months. Without purpose and focus, we can not achieve anything. To get the most out of our partnership, you need to be open to really doing some soul searching.

During our sessions we create a space for you to heal yourself. We also access your Akashic Record to powerfully realign to your soul blueprint, so you’re able to reconnect with your higher self and the true nature of your soul

Akashic Reading and Healing

The Akashic Records hold all the decisions and choices you’ve ever made; in this life and past life times. They are a log of all the information about who we are at soul level. Understanding your divine gifts holds the key to our soul purpose.

“We’re here to express ourselves fully and when we do this knowing who we are at soul level, we can unleash and maximise our manifesting potential!” – Natasha Harris

We maintain that energy cannot die and everything is energy. Thus, anything with an energetic resonance preserves somewhere within the Universe.

All our decisions and choices are energetic expressions of what we manifest. They are all stored in the Akashic Records.

Move on from your past

By accessing the Akashic Records we can clear the energy of past life decisions that are still holding us back today.

Get clarity on what is holding you back and make choices that are in alignment with who you are at Soul Level.

You can get an insight into who you are at Soul Level, arming you with the action needed to manifest what you desire.

Are you ready to let go of
everything that is holding you back?

How Sessions Work

The whole journey usually takes around 3 months to fully unfold. When you book, I’ll ask you a few questions. These will enable me to access your Akashic Record and do the clearing on your behalf.

During our 90 minute consultation, we’ll explore the findings. I’ll explain who you are at soul level, as well as past and present life events that are still holding you back. And together we’ll explore what kinds of actions will help you move beyond these so you can move forwards.

After the session, I’ll send you personalised clearing statements to complete over 21 days.

The 3 month programme also includes a manifesting blueprint to understand what kind of actions are aligned to who you are to maximise manifesting potential.

Then we book in some coaching sessions to support you to take purposeful and aligned action to help you reach your goals.

Finally, we’ll arrange a 30 minute check in to see how you are getting on with your new actions.

Book your consultation now

Our TestimonialsHappy Customers

“The quality of my sleep has improved, along with my energy levels and my overall sense of wellbeing."

Energy Healing & Coaching Programme

“I saw some immediate changes in the way I was processing my emotions. I am now so much happier, more confident, and I’m more in control of my emotions and destiny."

Energy Healing Programme

“I was feeling overwhelmed and never had time for myself, but now I have tools to help build a daily routine."

Energy Healing & Coaching Programme

“ I had a lot of fear and my self-esteem had hit the floor but I now feel so much more confident and there is a calmness about me…The glass is no longer half empty!"

Energy Healing Programme