Akashic Records Reading Course


A Powerful 3 month Accredited Akashic Record Group Training for Practitioners & Soul Leaders

Become an Accredited Akashic Practitioner so you can deliver Past Life Readings & Clearings for your clients – while completely trusting your intuition and consistently share soul-tingling wisdom to profoundly change their lives as a result!

Immediate access to Module 1 & 2 on signup and then weekly modules released


A Powerful 3 month Accredited Akashic Record Group Training for Practitioners & Soul Leaders

Become an Accredited Akashic Practitioner so you can deliver Past Life Readings & Clearings for your clients – while completely trusting your intuition and consistently share soul-tingling wisdom to profoundly change their lives as a result!

Immediate access to Module 1 & 2 on signup and then weekly modules released

Akashic Records Reading Course
Akashic Records Reading Course


10 beautifully curated and channeled Modules with 30+ hour of training
Topics include:  defining past life, collective and generation energetic blocks ; how to use different channeling methods  including pendulum, automatic writing, visualisation ; delivering my unique healing activations ; activating spiral codes to facilitate your clients growth and expansion. Each Module includes a Practitioner Activation to embody the module concept

3 Months Exclusive Membership to Expansion Circle Community
In this space you can put what you learn into practice, ask questions and get feedback and support directly from me, so you can integrate this wisdom in your own unique way. You’ll also be in a community of likeminded Soul Leaders so you feel seen and heard, and no longer walking this journey alone

The framework for soul tingling Past Life Akashic Readings
Everything is broken down so you can learn, follow and apply this powerful framework! Discover how to have client sessions that leave your clients wondering how you can possibly know this soul tingling information and deliver it in a safe and compassionate way that is reassuring and life changing for the client.

Release your own energetic blocks that have been standing in your way of fully owning your power

You’ll experience first hand the power of releasing your own blocks as you swap Akashic Readings with other practitioners in the community. As you see your own life shift trajectory, you’ll learn how facilitate an incredible space for your own clients to experience this too. You will need 5 practice clients for accreditation.

with immediate access to pre-recorded modules and Expansion Circle Community

INCLUDES: access to live round early 2025
PLUS: The Magic Maker Bundle worth £277


Who is this course for?

This is for healers, lightworkers and coaches. The practitioners who are here to ripple positive change in the world.

If this is you, then I call you a Soul-Leader.

As a Soul Leaders you’re here to have a bigger impact in the world through the work you’re doing. You have a big heart and a big Soul Mission to help others, and the planet. You’re already doing powerful work, but you feel you are here to fulfil a BIGGER purpose.

But this can lead to over-giving and putting everyone’s needs before your own. You are likely often wondering when it will be your time to have the abundance of all your heart’s desires – the wealth, the love, connection, freedom, ease,  flow and joy – whatever abundance means for you.

I’m here to reassure you, your time is now. As you step into your Soul Leadership you release yourself from the shackles of past lives, generational and collective patterns you become the Soul Leader of your own life.

You can then powerfully lead your own clients from this place and ripple it out into the world to have the impact you’ve been yearning for.

This is what this programme is all about. I’ll support you, and walk you through this journey to firstly access and channel this wisdom so you can boldly make the decisions you’ve been putting off in your own life! Secondly, you’ll learn how to powerfully give your clients the guidance they’re seeking to confidently continue their own Soul Mission. Then, in turn this will then ripple out into the collective to have an impact far greater than you could possibly imagine.

You’ll get incredible client results leading to referrals as well as powerful testimonials.

This is for healers, lightworkers and coaches.

If this is you, then I call you a Soul-Leader.

As a Soul Leaders you’re here to have a bigger impact in the world through the work you’re doing. You have a big heart and a big Soul Mission to help others, and the planet. You’re already doing powerful work, but you feel there is something more.

But this can lead to over-giving and putting everyone’s needs before your own. You are likely often wondering when it will be your time to have the abundance of all your heart’s desires – the wealth, the love, connection, freedom, ease,  flow and joy – whatever abundance means for you.

I’m here to reassure you, your time is now. As you step into your Soul Leadership you release yourself from the shackles of past lives, generational and collective patterns you become the Soul Leader of your own life.

You can then powerfully lead your own clients from this place and ripple it out into the world to have the impact you’ve been yearning for.

This is what this programme is all about. I’ll support you, and walk you through this journey to firstly access and channel this wisdom so you can boldly make the decisions you’ve been putting off in your own life! Secondly, you’ll learn how to powerfully give your clients the guidance they’re seeking to confidently continue their own Soul Mission. Then, in turn this will then ripple out into the collective to have an impact far greater than you could possibly imagine.

You’ll get incredible client results leading to referrals as well as powerful testimonials.

Join other Practitioners who include:

Sound Healers, Coaches, NLP practitioners, Past Life Regression and Hypnosis Therapists, Human Design Practitioners, Reiki Healers, Energy Workers, Mediums, Kinesiologists, Shamanic Practitioners, Body Whisperers, Trauma Experts, Alchemists, Mediators, Psychotherapists, Yoga & Pilates Teachers, Magic Makers and more…

Whatever your modality, every practitioner can benefit from incorporating the wisdom of the Akashic Records in their client sessions.


Immediate access pre-recorded modules and Expansion Circle Community

INCLUDES: access to live round early 2025
PLUS: The Magic Maker Bundle worth £277


Why the Akashic Records Are Key to Your Soul Mission

Having a bigger impact means stepping powerfully into your Soul Leadership.

We are standing at the edge of a brand new era on our planet as we are birth in completely new ways of being.

For many of us the world doesn’t make much sense. We are seeking more clarity and certainty about the direction we’re heading in.

It will require something more of you. To lay down the old ways that will not serve the future version of yourself. You are being asked to unlearn and release centuries of generational patterns so you can define your own unique ways of navigating what is to come and lead your clients through.

We’ve inherently been passing down patterns and traumas through generational lines via our DNA and coding. This is why it can feel so damn hard to break the patterns we’re continuing to play out.

The Akashic Records can reveal how to activate multi-dimensional healing across time, space and generational conditioning.

I will teach you my Akashic Record Framework and methodology in a safe and supportive way that is accredited, so you can break these patterns right now for yourself as well as help your clients to do the same.

Best of all you’ll also be rippling out these shifts far and wide through the collective.

We effectively heal past generations AND future generations, that’s how powerful this is.

I know you’re being nudged (or shoved) to take a big bold step forwards now and in this course I’m going to take you through and teach you a core methodology to channel the wisdom and access the tools that will support you on your journey of Soul Leadership.

The Akashic Records is the key to this wisdom we seek and together we will unlock the portal so you can open the channel for yourself and your clients.

This is how you lead the way into New Earth where everything is possible. We are no longer bound to the shackles that have kept us stuck. In this field, if we dream it, we make it our reality; it’s not magic, it’s expansion, and as we play together in this quantum field we see what is truly possible. 💫

INCLUDES: access to live round early 2025
PLUS: The Magic Maker Bundle worth £277


“This course has come in Divine Timing. It’s really about trust in self and that spirit trusts you to do this work. The trust element is what’s going to excel things for me.”

Hayley Felton
Soul Passion

Why Should I Train as an Akashic Practitioner & Incorporate it Into My Practice?

You know you’re ready to receive more abundance

You have so much you desire to create and manifest in your own life. More wealth, health, adventure, freedom, connection, fun or something else perhaps?

As you incorporate what you learn into your own life you will release what’s standing in your own way and open a channel to receive the infinite abundance that’s been waiting for you.

You’re ready to trust your own work

What I hear time and time again from Practitioners who’ve taken this course, is that as you play in the realms of the Akashic Records, you deepen your trust in your own work, purpose and mission so you can share the mystical elements of your work more openly.

On top of all this, the Akashic Records allow you to burst into a whole new level of uniqueness as a practitioner.

You’re ready to get amazing results for your clients

By following a safe and proven Framework, you will get immediate results for your client. As you witness your clients receiving this soul tingling truth and guide them to create actual and tangible changes in their lives, your confidence will grow to a whole new level.

Best of all you’ll receive amazing testimonials and word-of-mouth referrals that will absolutely grow your business.

If you don’t have clients yet, you’ll have everything you need to start earning money for this powerful and transformational wisdom you are about to share!

 You can be assured this course is accredited by The International Association of Therapists. This means at the end of the course you will have to submit evidence of 5 clients sessions and complete a practitioner form.

You know you’re ready to receive more abundance

You have so much you desire to create and manifest in your own life. More wealth, health, adventure, freedom, connection, fun or something else perhaps?

As you incorporate what you learn into your own life you will release what’s standing in your own way and open a channel to receive the infinite abundance that’s been waiting for you.

You’re ready to trust your own work

What I hear time and time again from Practitioners who’ve taken this course, is that as you play in the realms of the Akashic Records, you deepen your trust in your own work, purpose and mission so you can share the mystical elements of your work more openly.

On top of all this, the Akashic Records allow you to burst into a whole new level of uniqueness as a practitioner.

You’re ready to get amazing results for your clients

By following a safe and proven Framework, you will get immediate results for your client. As you witness your clients receiving this soul tingling truth and guide them to create actual and tangible changes in their lives, your confidence will grow to a whole new level.

Best of all you’ll receive amazing testimonials and word-of-mouth referrals that will absolutely grow your business.

If you don’t have clients yet, you’ll have everything you need to start earning money for this powerful and transformational wisdom you are about to share!

You can be assured this course is accredited by The International Association of Therapists. This means at the end of the course you will have to submit evidence of 5 clients sessions and complete a practitioner form.

“What a shift that’s been happening in my world since the start of this course. I notice I’ve become more grounded to who I am and my sense of being.”

Robert StephensonFan Your Flames

How Can Your Clients Benefit From Akashic Readings?

This doesn’t just benefit you and your life, you will have this amazing Framework to channel Akashic Record Readings & Clearings for your clients, giving them so much more clarity about their own Soul Path and Mission and what’s getting in the way of having the life of their dreams.

We’re moving into a new age where everything is possible – for you, your clients, humanity – and we’re breaking free of the shackles that have kept us stuck for lifetimes.

In this field, if we dream it, we make it our reality. It’s not magic but if we play full-out in this quantum field you become the magician.

Stand in Their Soul Power

Your clients will learn about their Soul Gifts so they can take bold & confident action that aligns to their true desires and goals.

As you deliver this soul tingling wisdom, you clients will understand why they have not been able to shift these repeating patterns they keep bumping up against time and time again.

They will clearly be able to join the dots to see how the patterns they are still playing out today were actually created in a past life. They can then link exactly why they are responding to challenging situations in the same way today so they can make powerful new choices straight away.

Release Past Life, Generational & CollectiveTrauma

Your clients will learn to distinguish between patterns they’ve created in their own past life or through generational lineages or if they’re still connected to the collective traumas we continue to repeat.

You’ll be able to uncover the energetic blocks that are really holding your client back and align them to the truth & abundance they desire, whether that’s in love, money, health & wellbeing or more.

Create Space for New Ways of Being

When you release these energetic patterns in the Akashic Records you clear the pathway stretching ahead for clients.

A space is created for new opportunities to emerge as new answers and solutions begin to present themselves. This gives them a free run to take new and aligned action that will step them back into flow of their purpose and mission.

You will activate new DNA codes to support their transition and change.

They will once again become the Soul Leaders of their own lives.

Stand in Their Soul Power

Your clients will learn about their Soul Gifts so they can take bold & confident action that aligns to their true desires and goals.

As you deliver this soul tingling wisdom, you clients will understand why they have not been able to shift these repeating patterns they keep bumping up against time and time again.

They will clearly be able to join the dots to see how the patterns they are still playing out today were actually created in a past life. They can then link exactly why they are responding to challenging situations in the same way today so they can make powerful new choices straight away.

Release Past Life, Generational & CollectiveTrauma

Your clients will learn to distinguish between patterns they’ve created in their own past life or through generational lineages or if they’re still connected to the collective traumas we continue to repeat.

You’ll be able to uncover the energetic blocks that are really holding your client back and align them to the truth & abundance they desire, whether that’s in love, money, health & wellbeing or more.

Create Space for New Ways of Being

When you release these energetic patterns in the Akashic Records you clear the pathway stretching ahead for clients.

A space is created for new opportunities to emerge as new answers and solutions begin to present themselves. This gives them a free run to take new and aligned action that will step them back into flow of their purpose and mission.

You will activate new DNA codes to support their transition and change.

They will once again become the Soul Leaders of their own lives.

“I am noticing lots of patterns showing up for me since starting, and I’m seeing how I respond differently to how I might have done in the past – success”.

Marina OswaldTalk with Marina

More Details about the Accredited Training

Everything you need to know about how the course is designed, what’s included and the benefits.

You’ll also find dates below.

  • An incredible in-depth framework with 10 beautifully curated modules released weekly (scroll down for module details)
  • Powerful Activation Meditations to enhance and deepen your learning
  • Lifetime Access so you can revisit the course wisdom and deepen your learning and knowledge time and time again
  • 3 months exclusive membership to my Akashic Expansion Circle & CommunityThis is your opportunity to be in a safe space to ask more questions alongside like-minded souls leaders.
  • A step by step process to access a client’s Akashic Record
  • A framework of questions to ask on behalf of your clients to highlight energetic patterns
  • Identify life themes a client has come to experience in this lifetime to move through and release
  • Use of different channelling methods to receive past life information (such as pendulum, automatic writing, spirit guides)
  • Support a client to understand their life’s purpose & mission
  • A unique way to release coded patterns from a client’s Akashic Record
  • Activate new soul-codes to support your client’s growth
  • Translate the messages you channel for your clients
  • Deliver a client reading with compassion and confidence
  • Experience first hand how to trust in yourself and your intuition, trust in the Universe, and mostly trust in your client’s journey
  • Activate your communication channel to the Akashic Records
  • Deepen your intuition, wisdom, trust and guidance
  • Heal your own energetic patterns in the Akashic Records
  • Build your confidence straight away with swaps and practice clients
  • My unique Akashic Activation Meditations to release old patterns and coding
  • Blend Akashic Record Healing with your own work and your modalities
  • Open portals to new ways of ‘being’
  • Meet more like-minded people on the journey and form new friendships and collaborations

3 months free and exclusive access to a powerful community of like-minded souls who are already creating extraordinary change on the planet.

  • A exclusive small private group of 20 soul leaders
  • Bi-weekly Q&A’s and Support calls with Natasha (1 hour)
  • A community of wonderful souls to walk the path alongside

This is where we come together to ask questions, swap sessions, share ideas, tools and wisdom. I will also guide you to incorporate the Akashic Records into your own practice so you can truly make it your own. I believe that this is what makes this course completely unique.

Here you will always feel supported and seen by those already experienced in this work and there are amazing collaboration opportunities here too



As soon as you sign up you’ll receive all the upcoming dates for the Expansion Circle Calls

We vary dates and times each month, as we are a truly international group.

But if you can’t attend live, everything is recorded and you can submit questions beforehand and I will answer them in the call.


Immediate access to pre-recorded modules and Expansion Circle Community

INCLUDES: access to live round early 2025
PLUS: The Magic Maker Bundle worth £277


HAVE QUESTIONS? Email me: Natasha@MindBodySoulEnergy.co.uk

The Course Modules in Detail

Module 1

Understand the

Akashic Records

Read more

Module 5


Past Lives

Read more

Module 2



Read more

Module 6

Past Life Coding +

Energetic Patterns

Read more

Module 9

Akashic Spiral

Activation Codes

Read more

Module 3

Meet your


Read more

Module 7

Different Channeling


Read more

Module 10

Holding Client

Sessions Safely

Read more

Module 4

Understand Present

Life Patterns

Read more

Module 8


Activation Healing

Read more

Module 1

Understand the

Akashic Records

Read more

Module 3

Meet your


Read more

Module 5


Past Lives

Read more

Module 7

Different Channeling


Read more

Module 9

Akashic Spiral

Activation Codes

Read more

Module 2



Read more

 Module 4

Understand Present

Life Patterns

Read more

Module 6

Past Life Coding +

Energetic Patterns

Read more

Module 8


Activation Healing

Read more

Module 10

Holding Client

Sessions Safely

Read more

Module 1

Understand the

Akashic Records

Read more

Module 2



Read more

Module 3

Meet your


Read more

Module 4

Understand Present

Life Patterns

Read more

Module 5


Past Lives

Read more

Module 6

Past Life Coding +

Energetic Patterns

Read more

Module 7

Different Channeling


Read more

Module 8


Activation Healing

Read more

Module 9

Akashic Spiral

Activation Codes

Read more

Module 10

Hold Client

Sessions Safely

Read more


INCLUDES: access to live round early 2025
PLUS: The Magic Maker Bundle worth £277

Answers to Your Biggest Questions

You’ve got questions and we’ve got answers!

Feel free to email me with any other questions: natasha@mindbodysoulenergy.co.uk


I am asked this question a lot, so you’re not alone in asking it.

There is absolutely no reason why you can’t access the Aaskhic Records.

You are a reflection (an embodiment) of your Akashic Record, and your Akashic Record is a reflection (energetically) of you.

So you are in fact, your Akashic Record

So there is no reason you would not be able to access it.

There are just a few other steps in accessing other people’s Akashic Records, which I teach you.

If someone has asked you to access their Record, then there’s not reason you won’t be able to access it on their behalf.

The only reason you wouldn’t be able to access it is if you’re snooping in other people’s records without permission, which I know you wouldn’t do anyway 🙂


Yes the course is accredited with the International Association of Therapists www.iaoth.com

Once you have completed all the modules, evidence of 5 practice clients and submitted your completion form you will receive a practitioner’s certificate

You will also be eligible for discounted membership with IAOTH.


The course is split into 2 parts

  1. The pre-recorded modules: You get immediate access to Module 1 when you sign up and then each module is then released weekly so you can pace yourself. There is a total of 20+ hours of training and ample resources to support your learning. Plus you have lifetime access to all pre-recorded modules.
  2. The Expansion Community: To support you further you have access to my community where there are 2 live Q&A sessions and additional support every month.

You’ll get a login to my course delivery platform – Practice Better – where the modules and dates are all in one easy to find location.


Not a problem, not everyone that joins the course wants to give Akashic Record Readings for their clients, but they do love it and get so much out of it for themselves. They do end up giving readings becuase they realise that this wisdom is just to amazing not to share.

You don’t have to have existing clients, but you will have the opportunity to find 5 praictice clients and do swaps in the community so you can practice.

If you’re being nudged to find out more about the Akashic Records and committed to developing your spirutlal gifts, then I know you’re love it. You’ll learn so much about yourself in the process too!.

Does it matter if I don't know much about the Akashic Records?

Not a problem. Most of my clients don’t know much about them before working with me. But it does change their lives and their perspective on all aspects of their life.

My experience says that if you’re here and you’re curious, you’ll love it!

I will teach you a framework of how to Access & Read the Akashic Records. You will be given everything you need.

Wherever you are on the journey you will expand and evolve in all areas.

I've done other Akashic Records courses - what's different about this?

Some of the course participants have done other course, but still don’t fully trust the wisdom and knowledge they recieve. They are still trying to perfect the work.

I believe this course is different, because I truly believe you already have the wisdom within and together we can unlock it.

You are your Akashic Record, it’s a part of you, and not something that is separate from you, and you have your own beautiful way of channeling this wisdom.

There is no one way that fits all. That’s the beauty of the powerful framework I teach. I show you the path to finding your unique way, so you can build confidence and trust in the wisdom so that you can share it with your clients.


Most of the people who come, just have this inner ‘knowing’ they need to discover this wisdom.

They are nudged – sometimes gently and sometimes its more of a shove ;)!

If the answer is ‘YES’ to any of these questions, then it’s for you ♥️

Do you want to do your own Akashic Reading & Healing?

Do you want to deepen your work with your clients?

Would you like to add another revenue stream to your work?

How long do I get to complete the course?

You have lifetime access to the pre-recorded course modules so you can take your time completing the course.

I say if you haven’t completed your practice clients within a year, then it’s best you repeat the course.

You will also be able to join my Akashic Community Circle after 3 months so you can continue to ask all the questions you have, and take part in any further live courses while you’re a member free of charge.

How much live support is there?

For me continued support is a key part of our spiritual journey, and I am always available to support you.

This can sometimes be a lonely path, and having a community of like minded souls around is so beautiful.

We will always come acorss obstacles and challenges in life. Knowing you are supported and can grab someone’s hand to guide you allows us to navigate them differently. There is no need to walk this path alone anymore!

Together we are stronger.

How much do I have to participate?

It’s totally up to you, but you’ll experience greater shifts if you join for the live calls so you can ask questions, but you can always catch up on the replays.

If you miss out modules, you’ll miss important information and you won’t have the tools to do the readings, so it’s important you do the course in the order that the modules are released.

We all work at our own pace, so that’s why you have lifetime access to the course modules, so if you take a bit longer that’s totally fine.

Practitioners who’ve already done the course, join next live rounds of the course again and again to deepen their learning.

You’ll also meet like-minded people and there’s always a sense of community in my groups.

Life long relationships and collaborations are forged.

What if I can't join the live community calls?

No problem, they are all recorded and you’ll get them straight to your inbox and don’t forget you have lifetime access to the course too!


Immediate access to pre-recorded modules and Expansion Circle Community

INCLUDES: access to live round early 2025
PLUS: The Magic Maker Bundle worth £277


HAVE QUESTIONS? Email me: Natasha@MindBodySoulEnergy.co.uk

“I feel a shift in the energy within myself. I seem to have really tapped into my intuition and finding I’m able to ‘understand’ my clients on a deeper level which is incredible.”

Soraya MansourLimitless Self

About the Course Leader

Mentor & Intuitive Guide

When I first stumbled across the Akashic Records over 10 years ago, I’d never heard of them. But everything in my whole body lit up at the words. I felt it in my Soul. My Soul remembered what they are, but my brain didn’t. My curiosity got the better of me. I was somewhat sceptical about what I was going to find out…

I’d be working in the world of energetics for years already, learning a whole blend of modalities including being a Qualified and Accredited Coach, Supervisor, Mentor, Reiki Master, Meditation Teacher and yoga enthusiast amongst other things. I love to blend all these modalities to offer a unique readings. I also bring  flower essence, crystals and card readings into my sessions.

Now, I’m so glad I didn’t let my fear hold me back! I’ve done 100’s of personalised readings and guided 1000’s of people through my Akashic Activation Meditations, but what I love most is to show people how to access their own records and also other people’s records.

I currently live in the UK but we’re about to move to Portugal where we manifested our dream – a  farmhouse in oak woodland on the river.

I love sharing the Wisdom of the Akashic Records leading Soul Leaders through code activations so they can lead others and share their unique gifts with the world.

Now I share this wisdom in one place and teach it with my Accredited Practitioner training.

I hold nothing back. You’ll experience just how much power & wisdom is held in the Akashic Records. It’s just waiting for you to unlock it!

Much love & Abundance,

Natasha 💫

Ready to Access the Akashic Records?


Immediate access to pre-recorded modules and Expansion Circle Community

INCLUDES: access to live round early 2025
PLUS: The Magic Maker Bundle worth £277


About the Course Leader

Healer, Guide, Coach

When I first stumbled across the Akashic Records over 10 years ago, I’d never heard of them. But everything in my whole body lit up at the words. I felt it in my Soul. My Soul remembered what they are, but my brain didn’t. My curiosity got the better of me. I was somewhat sceptical about what I was going to find out…

I’d be working in the world of energetics for years already, learning a whole blend of modalities including being a Qualified and Accredited Coach, Supervisor, Mentor, Reiki Master, Meditation Teacher and yoga enthusiast amongst other things. I love to blend all these modalities to offer a unique readings. I also bring  flower essence, crystals and card readings into my sessions.

Now, I’m so glad I didn’t let my fear hold me back! I’ve done 100’s of personalised readings and guided 1000’s of people through my Akashic Activation Meditations, but what I love most is to show people how to access their own records and also other people’s records.

I currently live in the UK but we’re about to move to Portugal where we manifested our dream – a  farmhouse in oak woodland on the river.

I love sharing the Wisdom of the Akashic Records leading Soul Leaders through code activations so they can lead others and share their unique gifts with the world.

Now I share this wisdom in one place and teach it with my Accredited Practitioner training.

I hold nothing back. You’ll experience just how much power & wisdom is held in the Akashic Records. It’s just waiting for you to unlock it!

Much love & Abundance,

Natasha 💫


Immediate access to pre-recorded modules and Expansion Circle Community

INCLUDES: access to live round early 2025
PLUS: The Magic Maker Bundle worth £277


Still Have Questions? Reach Out to Me Directly…

“I feel a lovely shift within myself and I’m able to see things through a different lens which is helping me to support my clients further. I’m loving it.”

Muriel BauerAlmagaia Coaching