“ I wasn’t reaching my full potential but now I understand how to align my actions to manifest my objectives…
Before working with Natasha, I felt like I wasn’t achieving my full potential, and had concerns around money and relationships. I’d sometimes wonder why things always happen to me. I was doing everything I could but just wasn’t getting where I wanted to go.
As a person of faith, I had reservations about the Akashic reading and past lives, but it has been great! I was shocked how the reading seemed so familiar to my current life and decisions. It really helped to focus on stopping my repeating patterns, and got quickly to the issues that have been holding me back.
Natasha was able to guide me and help me ‘understand’ about how my current concerns could be addressed by recognising where I’m out of alignment with my soul and importantly to make more aligned decisions moving forward.
The best thing for me has been the ability to be truer to myself rather than what’s right for others. That by being me, it doesn’t mean there will will conflict
The programme has incredibly helpful to recognise when repeating patterns that are not beneficial to my progress show up. Understanding why and how to realign is crucial for me to manifest my objectives.
Natasha is a warm and inviting coach, with an understanding nature but also focuses on achieving the desired outcome. Action orientated and that’s just what I like! Thank you Natasha xxx”