Does getting uncomfortable stop you in your tracks?
Do you tell yourself “I’ll do it later”?
Or do you get frustrated that you’re not moving forward as quickly with your vision of change as you’d like.
We all need to have a little patience. It takes time to create change.
We need courage to keep going, especially when we’re feeling really uncomfortable.
We need to treat ourselves with kindness and not keep going to a point of exhaustion.
It’s courage with compassion.
This year has been a time of big change and growth for me. In my business, but also personally. The two go hand in hand. We can’t shift one without shifting the other.
I’ve really pushed myself out of my comfort zone.
And guess what…. it’s uncomfortable, really bloody uncomfortable!
In the last 2 weeks, I’ve given myself permission to take it a little slower – which is also uncomfortable for me I’ve realised!!
I’ve rested and slowed down a little, but importantly I haven’t stopped.
I’ve re-energised but not disconnected
I’ve shown myself compassion and asked what it is I need right now. I’ve done things that have nourished me.
If I’m being completely honest, there was a moment where I thought to myself: “I could just stop, I could turn around and get back to where I’m comfortable and stay there, it would be easier there”.
But as it turns out, I’m not comfortable with not moving forward either.
Being ok with feeling uncomfortable takes a bit of courage. It takes commitment.
And I’m committed to my vision of creating change in this world. Of making a difference.
I see what’s happened in New Zealand with great sadness. But it’s coupled with hope that an amazing leader can stand up with both authority for positive change and compassion. We need more of that in the world.
We must have more of that in the world.
This is what drives me forward.
So to break it down, this is what I’ve learned this week:
- Be ok with being uncomfortable. It’s a sign you’re moving away from where you are towards something new. Celebrate that!
- Be gentle with yourself. Don’t throw yourself into total overwhelm as you’ll stop yourself in your tracks. Take it slower, catch your breath and take the next small step.
- Keep going. It takes a bit of courage to get through being uncomfortable. Get some support and do anything that keeps you motivated and moving forward. Take your time, enjoy the journey. You will get there :-
Remember: Start small and build from there.
Much love,
Natasha x