Join Marina Beech and Natasha Harris, both Akashic Record Channellers & Teachers.
🕰️ Are you ready to unveil the hidden frequencies of light language?
Join Marina Beech & Natasha Nicole Harris LIVE for another powerful episode in this series of channelled messages and inspiring conversations aimed at supporting collective ascension and our next level of evolution
In Episode 5 we:
✨ Unravel the essence of Light Language: Its forms, frequencies, and functions in our ascension process.
✨ Delve into Galactic Light Language and the quantum field, tracing its origins and impacts.
✨ Discover the connection between Light Language and the Akashic Records, and how they intertwine to guide our journey to the New Earth.
✨ Investigate the dual nature of Light Language: its constructive and potentially destructive uses in our modern world.
Come with an open mind, take what resonates, and be ready to ask new and different questions. Let’s unlock new dimensions together! 💫
Let’s go on a cosmic journey through the essence of Light Language.
Is it a celestial gift or a misunderstood phenomenon?
Let’s explore the depths of this universal frequency together.
📚How Light Language acts as a bridge between collective consciousness and ancient wisdom, propelling our evolutionary leap.
📚The profound role of nature and elements like water in reflecting and transmitting Light Codes.
📚Practical insights on discerning and engaging with Light Language to enrich your spiritual journey.
✨ These channelled Akashic messages are supporting our transition to New Earth / Age of Aquarius / Frequency of Love.
✨ We stand for the collaboration of Lightworkers.
✨ This is a series of channelled messages and inspiring conversations to support the collective ascension process.
✨ We believe the Akashic Records are now asking Lightworkers to have powerful and much needed conversations for our next level evolution and growth.
✨ In these conversations we will ask new & different questions so that Universe/God/Source can respond differently. It’s only when we have these conversations can the truth reveal itself, so we can feel safer to keep stepping on our path and co-creating a new way forwards.
✨ You may be activated by these conversations, so we can unlock even more magic and self awareness.
✨ We believe together we are stronger, and in our world there is no competition.
✨ We simply want to see the power and light returning to individuals around the globe, and find a new easier path to walk together.
Are you called to join us for these conversations?
Leave us a comment and some love ♥️
Much love & abundance
Natasha & Marina
Click on the image below to watch the episode: